Monday, April 16, 2012

Time to get serious!

I have never really tried consistently blogging any of my weight loss journeys, but after receiving a message from a friend across the world I decided that, at this point, I have nothing more to lose. Something has to help me stay accountable. I guess stepping on this scale this morning might have encouraged this new blog as well. I feel like I am out of control and that if something is not done I will never get my body back. I am almost 2 1/2 years postpartum from my last child. I have no excuse to not be back at the weight I want to be.

My heart truly did sink this morning. I feel defeated and fat.
*Excuse the fact that it's sideways. I am not computer savvy, so I have no clue how to fix it. I'll have to wait for the husband to come home and show me how.
Now, I did have a long weekend of girl time with my cousin, which has added to the number on this scale. Really though, this is horrible. Last year in February, I was done to almost 160 and now look at me. I feel like I'm just a number climbing up. It's sad that that is all I think of myself. So now it's time to take action and be serious. No time better than the present, right?

A little back story for you guys that are still reading. I have two children. With my first pregnancy, I started at 150. I spiked at 218 before her birth. I had lots of problems with her: pre-term labor, pre-eclampsia, PUPPS. The list goes on. I was on bed rest needless to say. My skin was not happy with all the stretching. My 9 lb baby girl gave me lovely badges of honor. My second pregnancy was very similar but easier to deal with. The 10 lb 3 oz baby girl from that pregnancy added a few more badges though. Pregnancy is beautiful-until it stretches your skin past the limit. Having a c-section has helped add to the mess that is my stomach. If I ever want to wear a bikini again, it will be after another surgery takes place. My mind can't handle the thought of ever being in one again.

Here I am though, trying to take this battle on again. I know it can be done. I just need to get in the rhythm of doing this. My plan thus far is only coffee and water for drinks, exercise, and limiting my sugar. I'm hoping to get up when my husband leaves for work and try to get in a workout before the girls are both up. I was doing the gym, but with gas prices at an awful level, it makes more sense to try to workout at home. I will update this blog weekly with my weigh-in. I'm hoping that by the time I go to the beach in 3 weeks with my husband for our anniversary that I will at least have made some type of progress. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated!


  1. Wow...This sounds like I feel! Seriously, the comment about being a number climbing up! It sucks!

    So what are you doing as far as diet, or are you cutting out the sugars, etc? I'm "trying" to eat less processed foods...more fruits and veggies...but I have so many vices. My problem is, I'm lazy and I eat too much. At least I can recognize the problem. :)

  2. My problem is the same as yours. I plan to calorie count and just try to make better choices. I use the my fitness pal app on my phone to track calories. If I'm able to workout, I can eat around 1400 calories without it beng a problem, so that's what I'm shooting towards. Also, I have Zumba Kinect and various workout DVD's. I just need to make myself do them. I would like to go walk or "jog" at the park, but I have no one to go with and it's hard to do anything productive with the girls there. We'd be straight to the playground.

  3. I think I'm going to post my food diary daily to kind of motivate me not to cheat. Haha!
